Developing Communication in Kids

Posted on October 9, 2012


By: Romelen Papa

Life is a series of stages in which every stage comes with its own joys and challenges. When a baby is born, his cries bring tears of joy to every parents face, and with time, the first word of a child anticipated with great joy and happiness. Similarly when the baby develops his cognitive skills and his first words turn into his first sentence then he progressess in his development cycle. What is the role of the parents in their child’s life? Parents plays a huge role in aiding the child in his development and developing communication skills, which is important to prepare them for life. It is only through proper communication skills that a child would be able to emote and communicate his feelings and thoughts to the world and the child begin to speak his first full sentence usually when the child is 18 to 24 months.

From babbling to speaking of first words , babies learn a lot from the environment they live in. Children are great listeners, observers and they gradually learn to imitate the sounds of their parents to finally develop their speaking skills. With the identification of words, they start developing sentences through their word organization from their memory bank. As a parent you can play an important role in the healthy development of your child’s communication skills. Indulge and encourage him to speak more often and to express his feelings through words and not through tears or cries. Theoretically, teach him words by associating every word with its related image and objects, the child will be able to visualize and remember better. Play word games with your child and communicate more with him so that he speaks more often as it is a practice which helps the child to develop. Similarly, making your child participate more on analytical and cognitive skills development games can prove helpful in the healthy development of his communication skills.